Honeydew Seeds

Honeydew melons are perfect for those hot summer days. These refreshing treats are nutritionally beneficial fruits to add to your diet because they are low in calories and full of vitamins and minerals. Honeydews are smooth-skinned with a round to slightly oval shape. Inside contains very juicy and sweet green or orange flesh. Choose from Green honeydew or Orange honeydew. Either one you choose to grow will give you melons full of deliciously sweet and refreshing flesh. Honeydews can be enjoyed fresh or added to fruit salads. Size, smoothness, and skin color are some indicators for when to start harvesting honeydews.

Honeydew Seeds


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  • Green Honeydew Seeds

    Green Honeydew Seeds

    Classic green honeydew. Lime-green flesh is superbly sweet with a delightful aroma. This variety tends to thrive in the south and southwest.

  • Orange Honeydew Seeds

    Orange Honeydew Seeds

    Sweet and refreshing melon with gorgeous orange flesh. Can be added to tropical drinks and fruit salads or eaten by itself.

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