Primrose Seeds

When we think of spring, we think of primrose! Primrose is among the first flowers to grace our gardens in early spring. Primrose flowers come in a variety of colors, sizes, and forms. Primrose is suitable for garden beds, borders, and containers. Give your garden that extra dimension and interest by growing a primrose that blooms in the evening hours. Evening, Pale Evening, and Showy Evening all bloom in the cool evening hours and attract night pollinators with their sweet fragrance. If you have limited space, we recommend growing a dwarf primrose such as Missouri. Start growing today and enjoy the sweet, simple freshness of these harbingers of spring!

Primrose Seeds


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  • Common Evening Primrose Seeds

    Common Evening Primrose Seeds

    Sweetly scented, canary yellow blooms. Blooms open in the cool evening hours and attract night pollinators such as the hummingbird moth.

  • Missouri Primrose Seeds

    Missouri Primrose Seeds

    Dwarf primrose. Large yellow blooms on sprawling stems. Blooms have a soft fragrance and attract butterflies and moths.

  • Pale Evening Primrose Seeds

    Pale Evening Primrose Seeds

    Prolific bloomer throughout the summer. Beautiful white blooms emerge in the cool evening and close back up against the heat of the day.

  • Showy Evening Primrose Seeds

    Showy Evening Primrose Seeds

    Prolific wildflower. Delicate, pale pink blooms with yellow centers. Opens its blooms in the cool evening hours.

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